November 8, 2021
A for Arizona Announces Arizona Transportation Modernization Grant Awardees
A for Arizona announced today the awardees of the first-in-the-nation Arizona Transportation Modernization Grant Program, a $20 million initiative to modernize K-12 transportation…
October 19, 2021
reimaginED: Innovation, common sense needed to address school transportation challenges
Across the country, there have been countless stories this school year about school bus driver shortages and the impact that shortage is having on kids getting to school. While a…
October 13, 2021
reimaginED: A for Arizona CEO discusses modernizing public education transportation on education podcast
On this episode, Matthew Ladner speaks with the president of the Arizona-based education nonprofit about the group’s work to create an innovation fund to seed new options for…
October 12, 2021
A for Arizona Selected as Finalist for Multiple PIE Network Awards
The Arizona Capitol Times recognized Emily Anne Gullickson, President & Founder, Great Leaders, Strong Schools; CEO & Founder, A for Arizona as a 2021 Leaders of the Year in…
October 10, 2021
Forbes: Microschools Aim To Personalize Learning And Disrupt The Status Quo
Imagine a learning environment where students' needs are individually met; where personalized instruction is delivered because class sizes are manageable; where children feel…
October 4, 2021
A for Arizona Feature on Love Your School Podcast
Emily Anne Gullickson tells the Love Your School Podcast about the Arizona Transportation Modernization Grant which aims to close the gap of transportation barriers, so that…
September 28, 2021
A for Arizona Founder and CEO Named Leader of the Year
The Arizona Capitol Times recognized Emily Anne Gullickson, President & Founder, Great Leaders, Strong Schools; CEO & Founder, A for Arizona as a 2021 Leaders of the Year in…
September 27, 2021
Yuma Sun: Program helps students at Gowan navigate emotions
At Gowan Science Academy, students have a new tool in their arsenal to help them navigate their emotions, thanks to the support of A for Arizona. Crane Elementary School…
September 20, 2021
Chamber Business News: Arizona Transportation Modernization Grant applications now open
Applications for a new initiative aiming to expand access and improve the reliability and safety of school transportation in Arizona by modernizing the state’s transportation…
September 14, 2021
A for Arizona Announces Southern Arizona Microgrant Awardees
A for Arizona announced today its final Southern Arizona Microgrant awardees. The microgrants will empower innovative school and community leaders, teachers, and families to…